Wednesday 29 July 2020

Endodontics or Root Canal Treatment in Pitampura


What is root canal treatment?

An endodontics or root canal treatment in Pitampura is an intervention that is performed to try to preserve a tooth that would otherwise have to be removed. It consists of the removal of pulp tissue to maintain the tooth and its chewing function.

Dental pulp is the tissue inside the teeth, and is composed of nerves, blood vessels and specialized cells. Its main function is to form the tooth and the one responsible for perceiving external stimuli.

When the process of growth of the tooth ends the pulp is of less importance and now its function will be to maintain a water contribution (relative to hydrogen) to the tooth that improves its physical properties and it will be the pulp that tells us when we have broken the piece or have a cavity, explains the best dentist in Pitampura.

Causes that may require root canal treatment
  • Very deep tooth decay
  • Trauma or shock
  • If the tooth has been manipulated in different dental procedures.
  • When there is irreversible inflammation of pulp tissue(pulpitis).
  • When there is a necrosis (death) of pulp tissue.

Types of Root canal treatment

Depending on the type of tooth that is affected by the infection, there are three types of root canal treatment, which are recognized as:
  • Unirradicular root canal treatment: is made on teeth that have a single dental root and a single pulp duct.
  • Birradicular root canal treatment: it is made in dental parts that have two roots and two ducts.
  • Mulrradicular root canal treatment: In these cases the tooth has more than two pulp ducts and more than two roots.

How Root canal treatment is performed?

This procedure is usually done by the dentist in Pitampura at dental clinic in Pitampura in a session and there will be a slight discomfort within two to three days of treatment, the discomfort usually goes away with a pain reliever.
  1. Placement of anesthesia
The procedure is painless, as a local anesthetic is used and even in some cases it is not necessary to use anesthesia when it is a chronic process.
  1. Introduction of limes and extraction of pulp and root content
The pulp is removed from the inside of the tooth part in bad condition with special tools called limes, the root content (cups and nerves) is extracted, the inside of the tooth is perfectly cleaned, disinfected and dried.
  1. Conduit filling
It is filled with resin and a sealing cement to avoid empty spaces that allow subsequent infections. The filling is made with a material called guttapercha, this is inserted into the tooth so that it takes the place of the pulp that has been extracted previously, so that it protects the tooth by the inner part and does not allow it to be damaged for much longer.
  1. Sealing and rebuilding the tooth
To finish, a temporary seal (filling) is placed in the tooth crown and must be replaced by another of definitive properties.

After root canal treatment

Once the root canal treatment operation is complete, you must consider various things that will happen, and that you therefore have to understand so that the recovery in your dentures gets along very well, and does not attract more consequences on your health.
  • Sensitive tooth or tooth
When your doctor finishes the end of the root canal treatment, your tooth or tooth will be somewhat sensitive for several days, and perhaps with a little pain in the area, which you can relieve, using some endodontist medications will tell you.
  • Antibiotic use
If the infection in your tooth is at risk of spreading, your endodontist may take note on the matter, and immediately prescribe some antibiotics that you should consume with full responsibility, following the prescription.
  • Periodic reviews
It is not possible to completely forget about the problem once it is solved. Therefore, you should always consider visiting your dentist in Pitampura regularly to keep track of the treated dental part.

How much a root canal treatment cost?

Normally, the price of root canal treatment in Pitampura is not fully defined, as it will always depend on the complexity you have in the face of the problem, which the doctor must first discover, practicing a series of various tests and check-ups.

Performing root canal treatment in a tooth with a unirradicular problem is always much simpler than in a tooth that has three, and more, ducts, that is, a multi-root root canal treatment costs more for its hard and complicated intervention, explains the dentist in Delhi.

But the price of root canal treatment must also depend on the instruments to be used in the middle of the operation, or the technology used there.