Friday 10 January 2020

Endodontic Pain


The pain can appear before, during and after the performance of some dental procedure, perhaps being the MAIN CAUSE that motivates to go to the dentist in Pitampura; Similarly, endodontic treatment is no exception to these inconveniences.

To better explain this relationship, it is necessary to mention the three periods where a patient may have pain related to duct treatment; However, it is first necessary to explain what the root canal treatment in Pitampura is based on.

What is Endodontics?

This procedure, known as "kill the nerve", is one of the most used in the dental clinic in Pitampura, being the one indicated when there is a great pulp compromise (due to decay, trauma, etc.), thus avoiding its possible extraction and keeping the dental pieces through the total replacement of the affected dental pulp.

Pain Before Endodontics

The pain that the patient carries many times can be very severe, affecting certain social aspects of everyday life. This originates because the nerves located inside are affected either directly or indirectly.
  • Due to a very deep caries that can directly affect the nerves: caries that are not checked on time tend to spread and irritate the pulp of the tooth (they infect and kill the nerve).
  • When the patient is bruxist causing dental wear, therefore leaving the nerves almost exposed, being affected by a large number of oral elements.
  • Due to dental fracture or when the tooth is broken and not important. These cracks that seem insignificant become dangerous communication channels that could severely irritate the pulp.
  • Poor cure or seal. Many times when a dental filling is replaced, the cavity is so wide and deep that if you do not have the necessary expertise, you can “brush” the dental pulp and cause a condition called pulpitis that causes pain.
Going to the dentist in Shalimar Bagh is usually related to experiencing a lot of pain; However, in the case of endodontics, this is not the case. Much progress has been made in the development of this procedure for many years, making it increasingly painless.
  • However, in some cases where the infectious process of the patient is not controlled, the performance of endodontics can cause a lot of pain. This is because before an inflammation process anesthesia is less effective.
  • Some patients metabolize anesthesia very quickly, producing little anesthetic effect in the area, which leads to pain during the procedure; However, it could also be due to an incorrect technique in the application of anesthesia.
It is usual to present some post operative discomfort until all the tissue heals properly; In the same way, these inconveniences, whether pain, discomfort, inflammation, among other symptoms, can last a few hours or extend a few days after the intervention.
  • In most cases, the pain perceived after the procedure is minimal, almost non-existent. Many of the patients thank the dental professional for ending their pain before endodontics.
  • Depending on the complexity, some treatments (especially in molars), leave teeth sensitive some days (2 or 4); However, these discomforts slowly disappear during the week
SOLUTIONS (What I recommend)
  • The most important for the correct treatment of dental pain is the DIAGNOSIS, because thanks to this primary analysis we can identify the cause of the problem and the solution alternatives.
  • Endodontic treatment is simple but sometimes due to the complex internal morphology of the molars it is difficult to clean and properly seal the root canals; therefore, it requires in these cases the clinical expertise of a certified endodontist.
  • After endodontics in vital teeth, the pain in the area is mild to moderate due to the removal of the pulp and in other cases it is due to the tear in the tissues that produces the injection of anesthesia. These discomforts should not last more than 48 hours.
  • Medication is important in order to avoid infection and also to control pain and inflammation. DO NOT AUTOMATIC, and follow the instructions of the professional. An analgesic-anti-inflammatory should be enough.
  • If the pain persists for more than 72 hours, request an appointment with your best dentist in Pitampura. By means of a periapical radiography it is possible to verify if the endodontics is correctly performed.

Sunday 5 January 2020


Endodontics vs Implant

What is an implant?

It is the total replacement of the dental piece.

A dental implant in Pitampura consists of placing small titanium screws inside the bone to replace the natural root of the lost tooth. Subsequently, the prosthesis indicated in each case is placed.
It can be substituted from a single tooth to all those who make up the arch.

What is a root canal?

It is a procedure by which to treat pulp diseases in order to preserve the tooth.

It consists of cleaning, disinfecting and preparing in-depth the ducts where the pulp tissue is housed. Then, the ducts are sealed with a specific material and the crown of the tooth is reconstructed.

The goal of root canal treatment in Pitampura is to achieve a perfect seal that prevents germs from entering and causing any type of problem such as infections.

In the event that the coronary suffers significant destruction, it may be necessary to resort to posts for reconstruction or a sheath that protects it from fractures.

What differences exist between endodontics and implants?
  • While in the case of endodontics we try to preserve the maximum of the tooth itself, in the case of the implant, the opposite is true since its entirety is replaced.
  • By keeping part of the tooth endodontics is a more natural procedure, in the case of the dental implant in Shalimar Bagh we speak purely of an artificial prosthesis.
  • The implant treatment is monophasic, the immediate extraction and implantation of the tooth is given without other alternatives and without reverse. However, endodontic treatment is multiphasic, that is, different procedures can be given. For example, we have a tooth on which we have already performed a root canal but we feel discomfort again. If we see that the tooth is still in good condition without fissure or fracture lines, we can perform a re-root canal.
    Another case would be when we have not been able to eliminate or disinfect the entire area through the endodontics. Then we must resort to an apicectomy. A non-invasive surgical procedure by which to remove the affected tissue by altering as little as possible the gum and bone.
  • In the case of implants, being an external element to us, there may be greater risks of infection and complications than in the case of endodontics where we keep our own root.
  • Natural teeth are surrounded by a periodontal ligament that is responsible for having the sensation of pressure when biting or chewing. Implanted teeth lack this ligament and therefore with them we lose that sensation.

How to know which one to choose?

The most important thing is to go to the dentist in Pitampura so you can check the condition of the affected teeth. Once the situation is analyzed, it will be he who will propose the alternatives he creates best based on your needs.

In all cases, a root canal treatment in Shalimar Bagh can not be performed since if the tooth destruction process is very advanced, the only way to avoid possible infections is to remove it completely and perform the implant, but it will always be the first option to assess before proceed to total tooth replacement.

The opinion of dentist in Delhi is the most important since it is the one that has all the information and experience to help you make the best decision. In our dental clinic in Pitampura we have professionals with extensive experience. We want you to feel the necessary security when making a decision.

Thursday 2 January 2020

Root Canal Treatment: Frequently Asked Questions


If you were told that you need a root canal, you may feel somewhat nervous. But don't worry, root canal treatment is a routine procedure in dentistry that can relieve certain types of dental pain and help your teeth last longer. It’s a procedure that effectively relieves pain associated with a bacterial infection deep in the dental pulp. Of course, root canal treatment not only relieves pain, but also stops the infection by removing dead tissue and tissue that is dying from the dental pulp. In addition, it helps save the tooth, which is in danger of being lost if it is not treated. As you learn more about this beneficial procedure, you will understand why it is necessary and how you will leave it much better than it was. Below are some answers to frequently asked questions.

What is a root canal?
Dentists use the term “root canal” when they refer to small, narrow channels that branch from a space in the center of the tooth (called the pulp chamber) down to the ends of the tooth's roots. "Root Canal Treatment in Pitampura" is the procedure used to save the tooth if the soft tissue in the center (called pulp) becomes inflamed or infected acutely.

Why do I need a root canal?
If the pulp of the tooth becomes inflamed or infected acutely - because of an injury or due to decay, for example - it will be necessary to remove the tissue to save the tooth and prevent the infection from spreading. Adults do not really need the pulp; Its main use is to help in the development of teeth during childhood, explains the best dentist in Pitampura.

Is there any alternative?
The entire tooth could be extracted, but it is always better to try to save it, especially since the root canal is a common procedure and has a high success rate (more than 90%). Saving the tooth can prevent other problems from happening in the future. These include bite problems due to change of position of the teeth, difficulty eating and loss of the density and volume of the jaws, says dentist in Pitampura.

Is root canal treatment painful?
Usually, the procedure causes the same discomfort as a filling. Root Canal treatment has a bad reputation, but is not deserved. In this case, it is the disease that is to blame, not the cure. In other words, the infections that make the treatment necessary are usually painful because they inflame a tissue that has many nerves and is therefore very sensitive. Root Canal treatment in Shalimar Bagh relieves this pain!

What happens during the procedure?
After numbing the area, a small hole is made in the tooth to access the pulp chamber and the root canals. The diseased tissue is removed, and the pulp chamber and the root canals are completely disinfected to the ends of the root. The teeth of the anterior part of the mouth have a single root and usually a single canal; the posterior teeth have two or three roots and usually three or four root canals. These root canals and the pulp chamber are filled with an inert biocompatible material and sealed with an adhesive cement. The access hole receives a temporary fill.

What happens next?
Your tooth is likely to be sensitive for a few days, but usually any discomfort can be relieved with over-the-counter pain relievers or anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen. You will be explained that you should avoid chewing with that tooth until you have a permanent filling, which can be done within a few days. Depending on how damaged the tooth originally was, you may or may not need a full crown. The dentist in Shalimar Bagh will discuss those options with you.

How can I avoid having to undergo root canal treatment in the future?
Brush and floss every day to keep your teeth without decay. Follow a healthy diet low in sugars and avoid acidic drinks, such as soda drinks. Attend your cleanings and periodic reviews. If you play sports, consider buying a custom-made mouthguard to protect your teeth against possible injuries, suggests the best dentist in Shalimar Bagh.