Tuesday 7 November 2023

Exceptional Dental Care: Your Path to a Healthy Smile

 Exceptional dental care is not just about regular checkups or quick fixes; it encompasses a comprehensive approach to oral health that can transform your smile and boost your confidence. In this article, we will delve into the world of exceptional dental care, exploring what it means, the benefits it offers, and how to find the right dental care provider for your needs.

What is Exceptional Dental Care?

Comprehensive Oral Health

Exceptional dental care is all-encompassing. It goes beyond treating immediate issues and focuses on maintaining long-term oral health. This includes regular checkups, preventive measures, and personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs.

Personalized Treatment

Dental care should not be one-size-fits-all. Exceptional dental care means that your treatment is customized to address your specific concerns, whether it's cosmetic enhancements, restorative procedures, or orthodontic work.

Benefits of Exceptional Dental Care

Improved Oral Health

The primary goal of exceptional dental care is to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Regular visits to the dental clinic in Shalimar Bagh help prevent dental issues, such as cavities and gum disease, promoting long-lasting oral health.

Aesthetic Enhancements

Exceptional dental care can enhance your smile's aesthetics. Cosmetic procedures like teeth whitening, veneers, and orthodontics can help you achieve the smile you've always dreamed of.

Confidence Boost

A healthy and beautiful smile can significantly boost your confidence. Exceptional dental care not only ensures your oral health but also improves your self-esteem.

Finding an Exceptional Dental Care Provider

Research and Recommendations

To find the right dental care provider, start by doing your research. Seek recommendations from family and friends, read online reviews, and check the credentials and experience of the dentists in Delhi you consider.

Consultation and Evaluation

Once you've narrowed down your options, schedule a consultation. Discuss your dental concerns and evaluate how well the provider understands your needs. A good dentist in Shalimar Bagh will be attentive and communicative.

Key Services Offered

Exceptional dental care providers offer a wide range of services to cater to your dental needs, including:

Regular Checkups and Cleanings

These are the foundation of good oral health. Regular visits help your dentist in Pitampura catch issues early and provide professional cleaning to prevent problems.

Cosmetic Dentistry

From teeth whitening to smile makeovers, cosmetic dentistry can enhance your smile's appearance.

Restorative Dentistry

This includes procedures like dental crowns, bridges, and implants to restore damaged or missing teeth.


Straightening your teeth and correcting bite issues are essential for both oral health and aesthetics.

Emergency Care

Exceptional dental care providers offer emergency services to address sudden dental issues promptly.

Technology in Exceptional Dental Care

Modern technology has revolutionized dental care. Some of the advanced technologies used include:

Digital X-rays

These provide detailed images with minimal radiation exposure, aiding in accurate diagnosis.

Laser Dentistry

Laser technology offers minimally invasive treatments with faster healing times.

Telehealth Services

Some providers offer remote consultations and guidance for non-urgent concerns, making access to care more convenient.

Preventive Measures in Exceptional Dental Care

Maintaining good oral hygiene at home, along with a balanced diet and nutrition, is vital. Exceptional dental care emphasizes the importance of preventive measures to avoid dental issues.

Exceptional Dental Care for Children and Seniors

Children and seniors have unique dental needs:

Pediatric Dentistry

Kids need specialized care to ensure a lifetime of good oral health.

Geriatric Dentistry

Seniors may require different dental procedures to address age-related concerns.

Affordability and Dental Insurance

Dental care costs can vary, so it's important to understand the expenses involved and explore dental insurance options to help cover the costs.

Patient Testimonials

Real patient stories can provide insight into the exceptional care provided by dental professionals.

The Role of Dental Professionals

Dental care involves various professionals:


They diagnose and treat dental issues and are your primary dental care providers.

Dental Hygienists

They focus on preventive care and cleaning.

Dental Assistants

They assist dentists in various procedures.


Orthodontists, periodontists, and other specialists address specific dental concerns.

Community Outreach and Dental Care

Many dental care providers participate in community outreach programs to raise awareness of dental health and offer free dental clinic in Pitampura.

Exceptional Dental Care Trends

The field of dentistry is continually evolving, and some emerging trends include teledentistry and minimally invasive procedures.


Exceptional dental care is not just a one-time event; it's a lifelong commitment to your oral health and well-being. Finding the right dental care provider, embracing preventive measures, and staying informed about the latest trends are all essential for a healthy smile.


1. How often should I visit the dentist for checkups?

2. Can dental insurance cover cosmetic procedures?

  • Dental insurance typically covers procedures that are medically necessary, so cosmetic treatments may not be fully covered.

3. What is teledentistry, and how does it work?

  • Teledentistry involves remote consultations with dentist in Pitampura through video calls and online communication.

4. Is exceptional dental care expensive?

  • The cost of dental care can vary, but preventive measures can save you money in the long run by preventing major dental issues.

5. How can I find a reliable dentist in my area?

  • You can start by asking for recommendations from friends and family and then researching local dentists online.
Exceptional dental care is a vital aspect of your overall health. It's not just about maintaining a beautiful smile but also about ensuring the well-being of your teeth and gums. With the right dental care provider and a commitment to preventive measures, you can enjoy a lifetime of exceptional oral health. 

Sunday 14 May 2023

What is Root Canal Treatment Procedure? Step By Step Guide on Procedures to Follow


Are you feeling anxious about getting a root canal treatment in Shalimar Bagh? We are here to help you through the process and answer all your questions.

Firstly, what is a root canal treatment? It’s a dental procedure that involves removing infected or damaged tissue from inside the tooth and replacing it with a filling.

Let’s take a step-by-step look at what happens during a root canal treatment in Shalimar Bagh:

Exam and X-rays: During root canal treatment, your dentist will examine your teeth and take X-rays to determine the extent of the damage. If it’s determined that a root canal is needed, your dentist in Shalimar Bagh will perform the procedure.

Anesthesia: Before the procedure, your dentist in Shalimar Bagh will administer local anesthesia to numb the area around the affected tooth.

Removing the infected tissue: Your dentist in Pitampura will create a small access hole in the top of the tooth and use special tools to remove the infected or damaged tissue from inside the root canals.

Cleaning and shaping: The root canals will be cleaned and shaped to prepare them for filling.

Filling the canals: Your dentist in Pitampura will fill the root canals with a special material to seal them and prevent further infection.

Placing the permanent crown or filling: In most cases, you will need to return to the dental clinic in Shalimar Bagh to have a permanent crown or filling placed on the tooth to restore its function and protect it from further damage.

After the procedure, it’s normal to experience some discomfort and sensitivity in the treated tooth and surrounding area. Your dentist in Shalimar Bagh may prescribe pain relievers or recommend over-the-counter pain medication to manage any discomfort.

It is important to maintain good oral hygiene habits, such as brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and visiting your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings, to prevent dental problems.

If you experience symptoms such as severe pain or swelling, allergic reaction to medication, high fever or chills, numbness or tingling in the lips, tongue or chin after root canal treatment in Pitampura, contact the best dentist in Pitampura immediately.

Root canal treatment in Pitampura is generally considered a safe and effective procedure, but like any medical procedure, there are potential risks and complications.

Your dentist will discuss these risks with you before the procedure and take steps to minimize them.

We hope this guide has helped ease all of your worries about root canal treatment.

Remember that with proper care, root canals can last a lifetime.


Is root canal treatment painful?

While the procedure itself shouldn’t be painful, you may experience some discomfort afterward. Your dentist can prescribe pain medication to manage any discomfort.

Can I drive home after a root canal?

Yes, you will be able to drive home after the procedure. However, if anesthesia was used during the procedure, you will need to arrange for someone to drive you home.

How long does a root canal take?

The duration of the procedure will depend on the severity of the infection and the complexity of the tooth structure. Most root canal treatments can be done in one to two hours.

Can a root canal be done in one visit?

In some cases, a root canal can be completed in one visit. In most cases, however, you’ll need to visit your dentist twice – once for the procedure and once for a crown or permanent filling.

How long does a root canal last?

With good oral hygiene habits and regular dental exams, a root canal can last a lifetime.

So, don’t hesitate to contact the best dentist in Shalimar Bagh if you have any questions or concerns about root canal treatment in Shalimar Bagh. Your oral health is important, and we want to help you maintain a healthy smile.

Tuesday 11 April 2023

Do you want a perfect smile? Bet on Lingual Orthodontics


What is lingual orthodontics?

Lingual orthodontics, also known as invisible orthodontics, is one of the most effective methods to achieve perfect teeth. In addition, they are the most discreet brackets on the market.

This type of device is as effective as any other and offers the same results. It is the most appropriate option for all those people for whom the aesthetics of the treatment is key, explains the dentist in Pitampura.

What are Incognito lingual braces?

Why is this brace invisible? Because unlike other systems, brackets are placed cemented on the inside of the tooth, also called the lingual.

Incognito lingual orthodontics is custom made for each patient’s mouth. Both the brackets and the arch-wires are made of an alloy. It is an option that has a very thin thickness. In this way, the time it takes for the patient to adapt to the treatment is reduced. In addition, it also makes it a more effective method.

The design is much more sophisticated, as the orthodontist in Pitampura uses a 3D design program to plan the patient’s final smile. It will also mark step by step how the complete treatment will be carried out.

Process of lingual orthodontic treatment


After a first visit to the dental clinic in Pitampura, the general state of health of the patient’s mouth is assessed and which treatment is the most appropriate according to their needs. Models, x-rays, photos and an intraoral scanner are taken by the dentist in Pitampura to make a complete orthodontic study.


The orthodontist in Pitampura, thanks to the study carried out previously, develops the entire orthodontic treatment virtually using 3D software (Setup). In this way we can see together with the patient a virtual simulation of the evolution of their treatment and the final result before starting.


Once the Setup is accepted, the file is sent to orthodontic manufacturer, which makes the lingual brackets and custom arch-wires for the patient. This customization allows for a precise adaptation of lingual orthodontics, explains the dentist in Shalimar Bagh.


Approximately 15 days after giving the approval to the Setup and having sent the file to the orthodontic manufacturer, we can begin the treatment by proceeding with the placement of the lingual brackets.

How long does a lingual orthodontic treatment last?

The duration of a lingual bracket treatment will depend on the circumstances of each patient. The normal thing is that it is between 18 months in the simplest cases and 2 years in the case of the most complicated, says the orthodontist in Shalimar Bagh.

It must be taken into account that any orthodontic treatment does not end with the removal of brackets. When this happens, a second phase begins: retention. Teeth without braces tend to return to their original position. Therefore, it will be necessary to place retainers, which can be of two types:

  • Removable retainers. In this case, it is about transparent splints that are created to measure and that will be worn throughout the night.
  • Fixed retainers. These are very thin sheets of wire that are cemented on the inside of the teeth. They are not perceived when talking or smiling and must be worn forever.

In which cases is lingual orthodontics indicated?

Lingual orthodontics is an effective method to correct any occlusion problem that teeth have, such as open or cross bite, overbite or crowding, among others.

Therefore, being a treatment as effective as others, the reasons for betting on this class of brackets are mainly aesthetic. If, due to your profession, you do not want your image to be altered by a conventional device, lingual braces are the ideal option.

No one will notice that you are wearing lingual braces while the treatment lasts. You will be able to carry out your normal life, without the device altering your life at all. This type of orthodontics is usually more in demand by adult patients, since in the latter the use of orthodontics is usually more assumed, explains the orthodontist in Shalimar Bagh.

Maintenance tips for lingual orthodontics

A lingual brace makes the process of cleaning your teeth difficult. You must bear in mind that with the device it is more difficult to reach certain areas of the mouth. Therefore, the risk of suffering from cavities or periodontal diseases increases slightly during the duration of the treatment, explains the dentist in Shalimar Bagh.

So that the treatment does not have any negative consequences in your mouth, it is very important that you exercise extreme hygiene. You should brush for at least a couple of minutes after each meal. We recommend that you complement this routine by using a mouthwash and also the irrigator.

Sunday 14 August 2022


You can have a white and shiny smile even after a short dental visit. In addition, there is the possibility to choose between different home and "do it yourself" methods even if these systems give a less effective result. In most cases, only a slight improvement is noted.

Methods for teeth whitening

Before making a decision about teeth whitening it is recommended to consult a dentist in Shalimar Bagh. This step is very important to find the best solution for each patient. Teeth whitening is free of health risks and does not damage dental implants. But in case of presence of caries it could cause nerve damage in the pulp cavity, or some home remedies could hurt the gums.

With a professional session at the dental clinic in Shalimar Bagh the result will be excellent and immediate. Certainly, you can also choose between the different "do it yourself" treatments that are cheaper but less effective.

After teeth whitening

After undergoing teeth whitening in Shalimar Bagh, greater attention must be paid to the care of oral hygiene and avoid some particular foods to maintain the result obtained. But what exactly are the precautions to follow?

Dental sensitivity after whitening

For a few days after the whitening session the teeth may be more sensitive than usual. But there is no reason to be frightened, you just have to scrupulously follow the instructions of the dentist in Pitampura to protect your teeth. First of all, it is necessary to avoid acidic foods and drinks, too hot or cold.

What are the foods to avoid after bleaching?

After the cure you need to pay attention to feeding for about a week. Foods and drinks that contain dyes or are too colorful, are to be avoided (such as dark fruits and vegetables or with bright colors, sauces, spices, coffee, and wine could stain the teeth again). After a bleaching, the "anti-color" diet is made. It is advisable to consume "clear" foods and drinks such as dairy products, poultry, pasta, rice, or potatoes.

Oral hygiene after bleaching?

It is best to consult your best dentist in Shalimar Bagh about the choice of oral hygiene products after treatment. It is recommended to use less aggressive products and toothpastes for sensitive teeth. It is recommended to read the detailed list of substances on toothpastes and mouthwashes because these products may also contain dyes.

How to keep teeth white for a long time

Even if the session at the professional brings excellent and immediate results, keeping the teeth white is a daily task that requires regular and correct oral hygiene. Nowadays these whitening treatments do not bring any risk to dental health, however repeating them too often could damage the enamel or gums. It is advisable to do the therapy only on healthy teeth or treated by the dentist in Delhi. Talk to your dentist about home treatments as well as the effects may be different for each patient.

Teeth whitening could be performed again after a few years. It is recommended not to carry out "do it yourself" bleaching more than twice a year. To maintain the result for a long time you need to pay attention to proper oral hygiene, healthy eating, and periodic check-up by the dentist!

Saturday 16 July 2022

Solutions for missing teeth

What are the solutions for missing teeth? We will explain all the options to replace lost teeth and consequences. The best option for the lack of one or more teeth and to recover aesthetics and function after tooth loss, are dental implants in Shalimar Bagh.

Sometimes, many patients underestimate the value of the teeth, thinking that the lack of one of them is not significant. However, it is very important to replace a tooth. Tooth loss is a problem that affects many people, and that can cause endless dental problems and very negative consequences for your mouth, both in terms of aesthetics and chewing difficulties, explains the best dentist in Shalimar Bagh.

Solving the lack of teeth is essential to avoid alterations that can compromise both the aesthetics, chewing as well as the health of your mouth.

Replacing lost teeth promptly at the dental clinic in Shalimar Bagh helps to avoid future complications.

What are the best solutions for missing teeth?

The main consequences of tooth loss are chewing difficulties, occlusion problems or dental aesthetics, and a higher incidence of caries and periodontal diseases. Have you lost teeth? There are 4 solutions!

To solve the problem of missing teeth, there are different solutions that we propose at dental clinic in Shalimar Bagh, according to your needs and individual aspects in particular.

There are three solutions for the lack of dental pieces: the fixed bridge, the removable prosthesis, or dental implants.

Although all of them are valid, the best solution for missing teeth always depends on each particular case. As a general rule, the best solution to replace one or more teeth is dental implants in Shalimar Bagh.

Fixed bridge for missing one or more teeth

The fixed bridge is supported by the neighbouring teeth, so it needs to wear them down, thus weakening their dental structure.

It is a solution for missing teeth that provides the advantages of having a natural aesthetic, comfort, functionality and is a fixed treatment.

Removable prosthesis for missing teeth

Removable “removable” prostheses allow you to replace teeth at a very affordable price. However, they have the disadvantage that you have to remove them and that they do not allow a good chewing function.

Dental implants to restore missing teeth

Dental implants in Pitampura are the solution for the lack of dental pieces preferred by all people, due to the benefits they have.

Recovering lost teeth with dental implants allows you to recover the aesthetics and functionality of your mouth, with the highest possible quality.

Currently, the most used treatment in dental clinic in Pitampura to replace missing teeth is dental implants. It is the definitive solution and the best option currently available to recover teeth in relation to duration and aesthetic and functional compliance.

Causes of tooth loss

Tooth loss can be caused by different reasons such as caries, periodontal disease, trauma, etc.

Replacing a missing tooth as soon as possible is the best treatment for the health of your mouth. However, preventive measures to avoid missing teeth are always the best option, says the dentist in Pitampura.

Why should you replace a missing tooth? If you are missing one or more teeth, it is important to replace them as soon as possible. Untreated missing teeth can cause irreversible consequences for your oral health.

Why is it important to replace lost teeth? 

Many times, we do not give great importance to the lack of teeth, since we may think that their function can be replaced by another tooth or because it is not visible. But this can lead to long-term problems. Let's see some of them:

  • Bone and gum loss in the area, thus affecting the surrounding teeth.
  • Dental overload, since we will get used to chewing in the areas in which it is more comfortable for us, because we do not have any dental absence.
  • Overload of the muscles of the TMJ (temporomandibular joint), due to not having a totally stable closure of the mandible and maxilla. This can lead to headaches, neck and earaches.

So, it is not about aesthetics and comfort, but about oral health.

Consequences of missing teeth

The consequences of tooth loss are:

  • Distalization or mesialization movements. They are the movements made by the teeth that are adjacent to the space of the missing tooth. These pieces lean over their plane to occupy the empty space.
  • Extrusion motion. The tooth that should contact the absent opposite tooth is extruded from the mandible or maxilla, vertically occupying the empty space.
  • Bone loss. Due to the absence of a tooth, bone resorption is caused in the space of the lost tooth.
  • Due to the loss of the tooth, you begin to chew in other areas of the mouth that will overload its functionality, triggering excessive wear in the area. As well as a unilateral alteration of the temporomandibular joint.

What happens if I don't replace it?

It is impossible to be aware of the importance of dental pieces without knowing their functions. The importance of replacing fixed teeth is mainly due to their functions in the mouth.

  • Masticatory. Where the incisors have a cutting function, the canines to tear and the molars to grind.
  • Phonetics. The teeth act as a sounding board and allow sounds to be articulated.
  • Aesthetic.  The set of dental pieces constitute the support of the soft structures with which they ensure the position adopted by the facial muscles.

If you want to know what the best solution for missing teeth in your particular case is. And, how to recover lost teeth, consult with the best dentists in Pitampura. Our specialists will explain how to solve missing teeth in your particular case.


Thursday 26 August 2021

What is an Orthodontist?


We all like to smile and for many, having a beautiful and healthy smile is important. Our oral health makes us healthy, and we can live with peace of mind. Therefore, it is important that you know which specialist to go to if you want to have a healthy mouth and aligned smile, says the Best Dentist in Shalimar Bagh.

Orthodontists are the specialists who will help to achieve an aligned, healthy and aesthetic smile. They are the ones who treat the problems of position and placement of the teeth, as well as the development of the maxillofacial bones for a correct bite and fit of the mouth.

The specialty of orthodontists are corrective treatments, such as braces, Invisalign and other types of orthodontics. With these they manage to solve oral problems that patients may present. Their skills, experience and knowledge help create your best smile, explains the Orthodontist in Shalimar Bagh.

Differences between dentist and orthodontist.

On many occasions, the question of who to go to when you have an oral problem is generated. Keep in mind that both dentists and orthodontists are dedicated to the care of teeth. The difference between the two is simple, Dentist in Shalimar Bagh (or general dentists) are specialists in treating more general problems of the mouth and teeth. They are in charge of cleaning teeth, treating cavities and checking your oral hygiene in general.

In case you need something more specific, the Orthodontist in Shalimar Bagh can help you, since they are specialists in orthodontics and maxillary orthopedics with more specific training than the general dentist. That is, orthodontists are in charge of correcting the facial bones and keeping each tooth in the correct position. Ordering, positioning and aligning your teeth to help you achieve a proper bite and esthetics will be the job of your Orthodontist in Shalimar Bagh.

Are there child orthodontists?

Going to an Orthodontist in Pitampura seems like an adult thing, but you have to know that children’s orthodontics is important for the correct development of children and to detect problems early.

Children’s orthodontists are in charge of controlling your child’s oral development, avoiding problems that can arise at an early age and thus preventing those problems from worsening in adulthood if they are not solved when they are young.

As for the recommended age for the first visit of children to the orthodontist is 7 years. At this age, the first permanent teeth have already emerged and the moment of growth in which the child is, allows the child orthodontist to detect dental anomalies and growth disorders early.

At this age, early treatments can be performed to avoid major problems. In case of not needing treatment, the doctors will simply monitor the evolution of the child’s mouth, explains the Orthodontist in Pitampura.

At Dental Clinic in Pitampura we have a team of exclusive Orthodontists and we always seek to make children feel comfortable with us and learn to take care of their teeth. We take care of making the sessions as enjoyable as possible and we explain to the parents in detail the state of health of their child’s mouth and the recommendations they should follow for proper care of their little one’s smile, says the Dentist in Pitampura.

For each smile a type of orthodontics.

The Orthodontist in Pitampura will be in charge of making your smile look healthy and aligned. Among its functions is to plan the treatment, recommend the best orthodontic treatment for your case and monitor its evolution.

At dental clinic in Shalimar Bagh we have the latest technology to complete your treatment and make it easier. Among the orthodontic treatments in Shalimar Bagh that can help you achieve your smile are:

  • Metallic appliances. These are Metal Brackets with a low profile, that is, modern and fast to treat. With latest technology it can make the treatment comfortable and in fewer visits.
  • Aesthetic devices.  This type of bracket is just as effective as the metal ones. Their difference is that they are made of porcelain so that it does not change color during the treatment. It is a good option if you are looking for it to barely be noticed that you are wearing orthodontics.
  • Invisalign. These are computer-made clear aligners. This type of treatment has the latest technology to align your teeth in a comfortable and hygienic way. With this treatment the number of visits to the clinic is reduced.

If you are thinking of improving your smile, do not hesitate to visit the dental clinic in Shalimar Bagh.

Monday 15 March 2021

What is a Root Canal and when is it necessary?


We use different expressions to indicate the same dental procedure: Root canal, root canal treatment, root treatment, pulp treatment, cameral opening, killing the nerve and pulpectomy (in primary dentition).

The root canal treatment in Shalimar Bagh is a treatment that takes place in the interior of the tooth roots where is located the tooth pulp (popularly known as “nerve”). We access by opening a cavity inside the tooth that passes through the enamel and dentin until we reach the chamber that contains the pulp (pulp chamber). This allows us to visualize the entrance of the ducts in each of the roots. Inside the root there is a canal through which the dental pulp runs, explains the dentist in Shalimar Bagh.

What is a root canal?

Root canal treatment in Shalimar Bagh is the total removal of the diseased dental pulp and the posterior filling of said space with a filling material that will seal the cavity to create an impenetrable cavity. Root canal is performed when there is irreversible pulpitis. Although the main indications are tooth breakage or fracture (close to the pulp), deep cavities and pulpitis.

But what is dental pulp? The dental pulp is a connective or filling tissue very rich in vessels and nerves, housed in the innermost space of the tooth or pulp chamber. It is an airtight and rigid space with no possibility of expansion. If there is an inflammatory-infectious process that affects it, it will result in intense pain due to a compromise of that tissue inside a rigid cavity and very possibly will lead to an irreversible injury if it lasts over time, says the dentist in Shalimar Bagh.

Steps of a root canal

The procedure requires a high degree of preparation on the part of the professional and several sessions. It is performed in most general dentistry consultations at the dental clinic in Pitampura, although there are complicated cases that are referred to experts in this type of treatment (endodontists). A root canal Treatment in Pitampura is really one of the most complicated treatments that we find in the consultation. A previous examination of the tooth and an initial X-ray is essential to check the number of roots that this tooth has, as well as its shape, its curvature and its length, the root integrity and the state of the apex. All ducts must be treated. For this reason, it is more expensive and laborious to endodontize a molar (with three canals) than an incisor (with only one canal), says the dentist in Pitampura.

  1. Beginning of Root canal: we begin with a powerful anesthesia to proceed to the opening of the tooth creating a large cavity that allows us to access the interior of the roots and remove the nerve.
  2. Cleaning the ducts: after leaving the ducts clean, we place a cotton pad impregnated with an antiseptic-anti-inflammatory and leave a provisional filling until the next session a few days later.
  3. Instrumentation of the canal: it involves the removal of the remains of the pulp and the preparation and widening of the canal for the obturation of the following session.
  4. Definitive filling and / or crown placement: it is done by introducing a filling called gutta-percha adjusted to the length of the root that must completely seal the apex of the tooth and occupy the entire canal. It is an inert material and will occupy the space occupied by the diseased dental pulp. It aims to isolate and seal the duct.

Root canal to treat pulpitis

There are many causes that can lead to pulp disease (pulpitis). They can be classified into three large groups:

  • Bacterial (due to superinfection, especially associated with advanced dental caries),
  • Physical
  • Inflammatory and chemical (mainly due to deteriorated or poorly sealed filling materials).

The pulpitis is one of the dental emergencies more painful that requires the immediate opening of the tooth to relieve compression symptoms the patient note. It is considered one of the most intense pains. If we approach it before the tissue necrosis, the situation can be reversible, but if it evolves it will lead to irreversible death or pulp necrosis (commonly called nerve death) in which case we must proceed to a restorative root canal treatment in Pitampura. The warning signs of a possible pulpitis so that you detect them in time are: discomfort in the face of cold or heat, pain when occluding with the antagonist tooth and mild but continuous pain. Your dental pulp is telling you that it is sick!, says the dentist in Pitampura.

What you should know…

  • Root canal is the total removal of the diseased dental pulp and the posterior filling of said space with a filling material that will seal the cavity to create an impenetrable cavity.
  • The main indications for Root canal are, therefore, fractured teeth (with exposure or proximity to the pulp), deep caries and pulpitis.
  • Cold or heat discomfort, pain when occluding with the antagonist tooth and mild but continuous pain are some signs that should alert us to a possible pulpitis.