Saturday 28 December 2019

Pyorrhea: how to be sure you don't have this tooth disease?


Pyorrhea, also called periodontal disease, is a disease that affects the supporting tissues of the teeth, that is, the periodontal. It can have various causes and if left untreated it can lead to serious consequences such as tooth loss. 

Afterwards you will have all the information regarding the symptoms and diagnoses necessary to recognize pyorrhea and advice by the best dentist in Delhi to prevent it. But first let's go and see what are the causes of this disease.

Causes of pyorrhea

Among the most common causes of pyorrhea there is certainly an untreated gingivitis. In fact, the bacterial plaque can position itself in the area of ​​passage between the crown and root, making it possible for the production of toxins by bacteria that penetrates to the depth of the gum, attacking the tissues, explains dentist in Pitampura.

However also the genetic predisposition that can favor, together with other causes, the onset of the disease.

Finally, cigarette smoking or diseases such as diabetes mellitus can cause pyorrhea.


There are many signs that allow you to recognize pyorrhea. In fact, it presents numerous symptoms that must cause concern. Among these, the most common are:
  • Bleeding gums. This can occur spontaneously, during tooth brushing or during normal chewing of the teeth.
  • Dental sensitivity. If you have contact with very cold or very hot foods, you perceive greater sensitivity can be a symptom of pyorrhea. 
  • Inflammation of the gums. It represents the most common symptom (affects about 50% of patients) and occurs mainly in the acute phase. 
  • Swelling of the gums. Swollen or painful gums. 
  • Sensitivity of the gums. Gums sensitive to toothbrushes or hard food can also be a sign of the disease. 
  • Increase in the space between the teeth. By reducing dental stability considerably, the onset of this type of problem is very frequent.
  • Gingival recession. This process occurs when the gums withdraw and leave the root uncovered, resulting in both aesthetic and functional damage, such as increased dentinal sensitivity and local inflammation.
  • Halitosis. This term refers to the unpleasant odor emitted during export and could represent another symptom of pyorrhea.
  • Movement of the teeth. It occurs mainly in advanced states of the disease and is caused by the progressive destruction of the supporting tissues of the teeth.
  • Tooth loss. It occurs especially in the final phase of the disease and can sometimes be caused by the incorrect treatment or the total lack of the latter.
Therefore, if you have detected one of these symptoms, it is necessary that you immediately contact the best dentist in Pitampura to make a diagnosis and understand if it is actually pyorrhea or not.


To be sure of not having periodontal diseases it is necessary to carry out diagnoses based on new diagnostic systems at dental clinic in Pitampura and analyzes based on biomolecular and genetic methods that allow to verify the state of the mouth and the predisposition to pyorrhea.

The diagnostic procedure, in addition to microbiological and genetic analysis, also includes radiographic examinations, photos and models of the mouth and periodontal surveys.

The microbiological and genetic analyzes aim to assess the quantity of bacteria present that caused the infection as well as the patient's predisposition level.

In particular, the microbiological analysis involves the choice of 5 sites that are representative of the oral cavity situation together with the more serious ones in depth. To detect the quality and quantity of microorganisms, proceed with the insertion of sterile paper cones. The genetic analysis instead takes place by rubbing a swab on the mucous membranes for about 30 seconds in order to collect the exfoliating cells. In this way it will be possible to establish the genetic predisposition.

The radiographic examination instead consists of an overview capable of providing the image of the frontal arch and of the bone structures. It aims to evaluate the position and size of the paranasal sinuses, the presence of bone rarefaction and all the dental elements.

The study and photo models consist of an impression of the mouth, taken to analyze the occlusion of the two arches while the photos serve to document the case before and after therapy.

Finally, the periodontal survey is an examination carried out by the dentist in Shalimar Bagh with a probe to evaluate the measurement of pockets, gingival recession and dental mobility.

Prevention of pyorrhea

As you have seen, the most effective tool for the prevention of pyorrhea is definitely a diagnosis. Prevention can therefore prove to be fundamental, especially if carried out from a young age.

In this regard, it can be very useful to have correct dental hygiene. The constant and regular cleaning of the teeth makes it possible to eliminate the formation of tartar.

In addition, it is necessary to maintain a correct lifestyle and in particular a balanced diet and monitor all pathologies that can favor the onset of pyorrhea.

Tuesday 24 December 2019

Benefits of Dental Implants


The benefits of dental implant in Shalimar Bagh far outweigh the investment and the procedure itself. It may not be the cheapest alternative to replace a missing tooth, but it is definitely the best option - by far - to recover the ability to chew and aesthetics.

The perfect substitute for your mouth

The oral cavity is a delicate area. Not only does it directly influence the way we see and perceive ourselves, but it is also possible to get serious infections and injuries through it.

Wounds, cuts, lacerations, scrapes, or even the use of full dentures for a long time, can give rise to local infections in your gum that quickly - through the bloodstream - will end up spreading throughout your body, explains the best dentist in Pitampura.

What happens when you lose a tooth?

When we lose a tooth, our mouth is exposed and our self-esteem too. Therefore, before any serious injury to the mouth - even before losing the tooth - it is best to try to replace it with a prosthetic device that maintains the health of our oral cavity, while looking perfect and allowing us to maintain our relationships healthy social, suggests dentist in Delhi.

Dental implants are a definitive, safe and fast solution. They are based on simple systems that seek to join prostheses made of biocompatible materials (with a small margin of hypersensitivity or rejection reactions) to the different large bones of the mouth (maxillary and mandibular).

However, despite being one of the best options available in the market, due to the state of the bones - where the implants should be fixed - or perhaps the state of the gums - very marked deterioration or significant involvement - it is possible that Be a treatment for everyone.

Benefits of dentures with Dental Implants

There is more than one reason to opt for a dental implant in Pitampura, when necessary. Between them:
  1. Permanence: The definitive solution
You won't have to worry about temporary changes or some kind of transition later. This is not a treatment that merits other adjuvant therapies, this is a unique and definitive solution to your problem, which will help you restore the health of your mouth.
  1. Aesthetics: A whole Ace up the sleeve
The amount of tones, shapes and contrasts in which you can get your prosthesis borders the unlimited. They can even be created by customization specialists so that you get the piece you need, with the color and size it deserves.

In addition, the implants have a quite natural appearance. The sensations are maintained and does not interrupt the basic functions.

However, this is not the case with dental implants. These devices allow to maintain the sensation of deep pressure and do not interfere with speech.

It is difficult to successfully complete a good presentation at work, or smile calmly, if you have a space in your mouth corresponding to a missing tooth. Do you know how difficult it can be to feel confident in fulfilling your daily life with a removable prosthesis, which at any time could take off or fail? Looking good is often synonymous with feeling comfortable, and this is no exception.
  1. A secure device - a safe procedure
We already mentioned that the dental implant is BIOCOMPATIBLE, it is made with materials that do not create rejection reactions. In addition to this, it is important to mention that surgery is one of the safest in the world of dentistry.

More than 85% of patients who undergo dental implant in Pitampura can go to work the next day. An incredible fact! And, as if that were not enough, almost 95% of the implants are placed successfully. There are no better numbers than those, says dentist in Pitampura.
  1. Bone preservation
With age and tooth loss, most of the elderly seem to have their lips retracted, with a retracted jaw and much smaller. This is because the loss of the dental piece causes bone resorption, since the tooth root no longer exists, which was responsible for stimulating the jaw to maintain its natural shape.

The titanium screws that are part of the teeth act as the roots, so that, with chewing, the jaws would have the necessary stimulus to remain intact and not have that appearance aged over time.
  1. Easy to clean, and do not damage other teeth
To place some dentures, such as the bridge, it is necessary to act on healthy teeth, reducing their size and coupling them to the shape that is needed to form the bridge properly.

In addition, when there is a space, the natural movement of the teeth will seek to occupy it. So the mouth ends up deforming, which can seriously affect oral health.

With dental implants, you not only have fixed parts that perfectly fit your mouth, but you will be able to give your oral cavity, the hygiene you need - and deserve - without other complicated prostheses being in your way. It is one more tooth in his mouth.

Do you need more?

Of course not! The implant at dental clinic in Pitampura is one of the best solutions available in the market; Therefore, the benefits of dental implants can do a lot for you. Say goodbye to shame, and greet your new smile.